Fine art canvas & paper prints for good luck & healing

Spiritual Fine Art Canvas and Paper Prints are for your Prosperity, Good Luck, Joy, Love, Happiness, Healing, Antiaging, Rejuvenation, Communications, Abundance, Creativity, Fertility, Balance, Intuition, Passion, for Wishes to come true, Light and more... for Private and Corporate collections, for interior decoration and designs by world renowned Ottawa Artist Elena Khomoutova and artist Alexander Khomoutov. Metaphysical Energy Art unlocks your magic power within... The following Fine Art canvas prints are available: Abstract, Modern, Contemporary, Metaphysical Energy Art, Ottawa, Quebec, Vancouver, Paris Cityscapes and ...

Kitten - for Joy and Good Luck - metaphysical art canvas prints - reminds me cat Maru

Kitten - for good luck - fine art print on canvas and paper by Canadian Ottawa Artist Elena Khomoutova - reminds me cat Maru
Kitten - for good luck - fine art print on canvas and paper
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Artist's Intention: to create art for Joy, Good Luck and more...

Title: Kitten

Artist: Ottawa artist Elena Khomoutova

"Eye of Universe" - to connect to Higher Self - fine art print

Connect to Higher Self via "Eye of Universe" metaphysical art print
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Connect to Higher Self via "Eye of Universe" metaphysical art print. The world renowned Artist Elena Khomoutova created it.  Elena uses Feng Shui principles in her Art.
We are all interconnected parts of the Universe and we have ability to attract Love and Prosperity to our live. The "Eye of Universe" print is created for you to stay connected to Higher Self. You may try to get the limited edition print if it still available below.

Light within - for Joy and Good Luck - metaphysical art canvas and paper prints

"Light within" for Joy and good luck - metaphysical spiritual art print by Canadian Ottawa Artist...
Light within - for Joy & Good Luck - spiritual metaphysical art canvas prints
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Artist's Intention: to create art for Joy, Good Luck and more...

Title: Light within

Artist: Ottawa artist Elena Khomoutova

"Seventh Sense" - for intuition and good luck- metaphysical art canvas & paper prints

"Seventh Sense" - limited edition giclee print by Ottawa artist Elena Khomoutova
"Seventh Sense" art print
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Artist's Intention: to create the art for Intuition, Good Luck and more...

Title: Seventh Sense

Artist: Ottawa artist Elena Khomoutova

Medium: limited edition fine art giclee prints on paper, canvas and embellished prints on canvas. More about different kind of prints => here...

"Lovely Ottawa" - giclee print by world renowned artist...

"Lovely Ottawa" - giclee print by world renowned artist Elena Khomoutova
"Lovely Ottawa" - giclee print by world renowned artist...
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It was created to bring Good Luck...

Title: Lovely Ottawa

Artist: world renowned Ottawa artist Elena Khomoutova

"Seven Wishes" - for your 7 wishes to become true - art canvas and paper prints

"Seven Wishes" - for your wishes to become true - Metaphysical Energy art canvas and paper prints with  Monarch, Yellow Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Brown Owl, Red Cinnabar Moth, Green Bird Wing Butterfly, Blue and Pearl Morphos butterflies
"Seven Wishes" - for your wishes to become true - Metaphysical Energy art canvas and paper prints
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Artist's Intention: to create the art for your wishes to become true, to bring you and your family, your baby positive energy, good luck and more....

Title: Seven Wishes  

"Opening to Love" - for Love - fine art print

Opening to Love - metaphysical giclee print by world renowned artist ...
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Opening to Love metaphysical giclee print  is for good luck in long lasting LOVE. World renowned artist Elena Khomoutova created it.
Abstract of love Crystal is on the print. You could see 7 hearts for good luck in love. Elena dedicated it to Masaru Emoto and his research of healing power of water and how our consciousness changes  it.


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